Sunday, March 31, 2013


Well I have been making my own dishwashing detergent for a couple of months now and I just found out that the products combined can build up over time in your dishwashing (I had never come across that in my searching) but I noticed my glasses seem to just have a film on them.

This is the recipe:
1 c Borax
1 c Washing Powder
1/2 c coarse salt
1/2 c citric acid

store in an airtight container well since I live in Florida, my detergent seems to just clump into a hard pile that I have to chisel away at when I need some (I haven't found a way to fix this yet).  But yesterday I came across a pretty cool blog which said it was good to run commercial detergent thru your dishwashing once a month to clean it out but I will still continue to put vinegar as my rinse agent.

Next I will be trying my hand at Laundry Detergent.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Homeschooling Resources

Here are some things (free) that I have found along the way that are worth looking into.

Diane Flynn Keith offers some awesome free stuff on her website as well as DAILY emails that come straight to you.


Well we experimented with a new cookie reciphave onee today for a Basic Whole Grain Cookie (by King Arthur Flour).  Of course we veganized it by replace the egg with flax seed (1 tbsp ground flaxseed mixed thoroughly with 3 tbsp of water) and using 1/4 cup peanut butter with 1/4 c coconut oil and adding chocolate chips (that was my 2 years choice).  The cookie was good, the texture almost reminded me of a snickerdoodle.  I will probably be making these again.

and I am still in search of a perfect white cake that I am happy with.

Looking for a delicious ketchup recipe, i have one for you.
Here Is another one well worth a try

Made homemade granola bars....delicious, recipe to come.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Nest Observation

Well how perfect.  We have a nest built in a candle holder outside the garage so we are going to watch it.  Great project (observation) for my 2 year old homeschooled daughter.

this is day 2 of watching our nest

this is day 3 of watching our nest

and day 4 is too cold outside (yes it was probably only in the 50s, I am weak) so momma bird didn't leave and I didn't mind one bit.

day 8 and I am back at it and all eggs are accounted for.

day 11 of watching our nest

day 12 of watching our nest

on day 13 of watching our nest I did some research and found out that this is a chirping sparrow.

and on day 14 (like clockwork at least that's what I read)

this is day 2 of the chirping birds new life.

this is day 3

they seem to be growing so fast, this is day 4

day 5

day 6

day 7

day 8 there eyes are open and talking to mama bird

day 9

day 10 today is the first day I noticed when I make a noise at least 1 baby opens it's eyes and looks at me.

day 11 - the changes don't seem to be noticeable anymore

day 12 - 

day 13

day 14 - wow they are really looking like baby birds

day 15

day 16

day 17

Free Stuff

Do you like free stuff.  A couple of months ago I joined a group called Moms Meet.  If you have never heard of it you should definitely check it out.  Whenever they have a "campaign" and offer free things you would click on a link a apply and if you are selected you would be sent a package of goodies.  Now I have only been selected 1 time and boy was it neat.  I was selected for Wholesome Sweeteners.  They sent a very generous amount of samples (different flavors), coupons and free stuff for me. I made little goodie bags and took it to the homeschool and made different things so they could same the flavors.  It was a good time.


Today is our Wednesday Homeschool Day and we are headed to the Pensacola Children Museum for a tour and activity.

Today we decided to make some sensory sand and put some fake insects and played with making footprints and fossils.


I am learning to be a better vegan, mom and wife.

Now that I am thru my first active holiday with my soon to be 3 year old, I will be gearing up for Easter.  Yesterday we made a carrot butter and really it is more like a sweet dip.  It is delicious.

I think the only thing I would change next time is lessen the amount of agave in the recipe but my daughter loves it. I tried to go with a carrot them with the green plate and orange bowl.