Sunday, March 31, 2013


Well I have been making my own dishwashing detergent for a couple of months now and I just found out that the products combined can build up over time in your dishwashing (I had never come across that in my searching) but I noticed my glasses seem to just have a film on them.

This is the recipe:
1 c Borax
1 c Washing Powder
1/2 c coarse salt
1/2 c citric acid

store in an airtight container well since I live in Florida, my detergent seems to just clump into a hard pile that I have to chisel away at when I need some (I haven't found a way to fix this yet).  But yesterday I came across a pretty cool blog which said it was good to run commercial detergent thru your dishwashing once a month to clean it out but I will still continue to put vinegar as my rinse agent.

Next I will be trying my hand at Laundry Detergent.

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